Aplicação das metodologias de analise estatistica e de Analise do Custo do Ciclo de Vida (ACCV) para o estabelecimento de padrões de eficiencia energetica : refrigeradores brasileiros / Application of the methodology of statistical analysis and of life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) to the establishment energy efficiency standards brazilian refrigerators




The objective ofthis thesis is to discuss the application of the methodologies of Life Cycle Cost Analysis(LCCA) and of Statistical Analysis as tools to propose energy efficiency standards, complementally to the voluntary labels already existent in the Brazilian one-door refrigerators. Another objective is to study the role of these instruments (energy efficiency labels and standards) in order to seek technical subsidies for the establishment of maximum level of electric energy consumption for electrical equipments in Brazil. The LCCA and Statistical Analysis methodologies permit to evaluate the impacts of the energy efficiency increase in electrical equipments commercialized in Brazil, resulting in important savings (energy, financial, carbon dioxide emissions avoided etc) for the country and its citizens. The results of this study offer important data to subsidize deeper discussions with manufacturers and the govemment to stipulate minimum energy efficiency standards for the Brazilian refrigerators. One of the important conclusions is that, even though there are other methodologies, such as the Statistical Analysis which does not take technological costs into account, the LCCA allows to better understand the market (costs, technological capacity etc) and suggests the best MEPS (Minimum Energy Performance Standards) with the maximum economic retum for the consumer. Nevertheless, when it is not possible to collect all the necessary data to apply the LCCA, it can be used a more simplified analysis, such as the Statistical Analysis methodology


energy development eletrodomesticos - consumo de energia energy conservations electric household appliances electric power conservation environmental analysis economia - metodos estatisticos desenvolvimento energetico eletrodomesticos - conservação de energia analise ambiental economic statistics energy consumer electric household appliances

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