Aprendizagem e competências em tecnologia da informação : análise de suas relações em organização bancária




This dissertation focuses the relationship between processes of learning and the development of IT competencies of a banking organization, in the period of 2003-2006. To describe as these processes influence the development of technological solutions that put the company in a more advanced level of technological capacity, a theoretical model based on the Resource Based View of the firm (RBV) was developed. The methodological model developed by Figueiredo (2003) was used to acess four learning processes in the organization: internal acquisition, external acquisition, coding and socialization of knowledge. Content analysis proceeded upon company documents and 12 interviews showed off two competencies: the Corporative Portal and the Distribution Card. The first one represents a combination between IT infrastructure solutions and business architecture. The second one is a combination of a digital card mean of payment and innovative credit rules used by big corporations. The main learning processes accessed were based upon Figueiredo (2003) who analysed four keycaractherists of acquisition and convertion of learning: variety, intensity, functioning and interaction. The results show that the main capacities developed in the period studied were the capacity of project management and the strategic alignment of IT. These capacities were represented by the systematization of IT governance mecanisms in a corporative level. This IT governance was defined as the capacity of the organization of implementing its politics of IT management. To materialize this governance, some learning mechanisms have been created and interacted with each other facilitating the technological learning and making the studied competencies possible. The continuity of the majority of the identified processes of learning may mean the replicability of the developed capacities, which may facilitate product and service customization and enable diversification as a strategy of the company.


aprendizagem em organizações aprendizagem tecnológica tecnologia da informação administracao technological learning diversification strategy

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