Arabidopsis Decapping 5 Is Required for mRNA Decapping, P-Body Formation, and Translational Repression during Postembryonic Development[W]


American Society of Plant Biologists


Eukaryotic processing bodies (P-bodies) are implicated in mRNA storage and mRNA decapping. We previously found that a decapping complex comprising Decapping 1 (DCP1), DCP2, and Varicose in Arabidopsis thaliana is essential for postembryonic development, but the underlying mechanism is poorly understood. Here, we characterized Arabidopsis DCP5, a homolog of human RNA-associated protein 55, as an additional P-body constituent. DCP5 associates with DCP1 and DCP2 and is required for mRNA decapping in vivo. In spite of its association with DCP2, DCP5 has no effect on DCP2 decapping activity in vitro, suggesting that the effect on decapping in vivo is indirect. In knockdown mutant dcp5-1, not only is mRNA decapping compromised, but the size of P-bodies is also significantly decreased. These results indicate that DCP5 is required for P-body formation, which likely facilitates efficient decapping. During wild-type seed germination, mRNAs encoding seed storage proteins (SSPs) are translationally repressed and degraded. By contrast, in dcp5-1, SSP mRNAs are translated, leading to accumulation of their products in germinated seedlings. In vitro experiments using wheat germ extracts confirmed that DCP5 is a translational repressor. Our results showed that DCP5 is required for translational repression and P-body formation and plays an indirect role in mRNA decapping.

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