Argumentation and metacognition in the arithmetical problem solving of division / Argumentação e metacognição na solução de problemas aritmeticos de divisão




The objective of this study was to investigate the existence of relations between the argumentation, the metacognition and the performance in the arithmetical problem solving of division, routine and not routine, in two different environments: interactive, by means of exchanging of argumentation in pairs and the employment of the technique of "think out in loud voice" and not interactive, without discussion about the employed procedures. The present research also objectified to examine the influence of the partitive division and for quotas in the calculation procedures, carried through for the children, in the search for the solution of the presented problems. Initially participated in this study fifty eight students of a fourth state year of elementary school in the region of Campinas, SP. The methodology of the inquiry was developed in three stages: Pre-test application, type pencil and paper, containing, eight arithmetical problems; four sessions based on the argumentation and on the social interaction connected, made in pair, with the proposal of solution for six presented problems; an after-test with the same performance of the pre-test. Starting from the results of the pre test, the random choice was carried out with thirty six subjects, being eighteen students for the formation of the pairs of the experimental group and eighteen for the composition group control, according to the levels of high, medium and low performance. The main results, interpreted as the Piaget empirical studies, Vergnaud and Ausubel and other authors presented on the theoretical body of this research, showed a significant improvement of performance between the majority of the subjects of the experimental group, by means of the occurrence metacognitive processes, where the argumentative changes became also the mechanism propellants of the conscience taking. In this perspective, the dialogic relation established between the argumentation and the metacognition in a social interaction environment assumes that, in agreement with diverse studies in the area, this type of intervention constitutes itself in a facilitator element of the significant apprenticeships back toward the solution of problems. The data analyze evidenced relevant differences of punctuation in the after-test in favor of the experimental group. The protocol analysis also searched to contemplate some relevant factors considered interferents in the cognitive actions, affective and social undertook by the involved subjects in this research. Thus, the results of this study indicate that argumentation linked to social interaction may be pointed out as an important methodological strategy and an enricher of metacognition. in the search of problem solving.


social interaction problem solving divisão (aritmetica) argumentação solução de problemas metacognição division (arithmetic) argumentation interação social metacognition

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