As condições sociais da reestruturação dos cursos de licenciatura no campo universitário da Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP)




The current research investigates the social conditions of the reformulation on teachers formation of the Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP), adopted after the publication of Curricular Lines Curriculum Guidelines for teachers education in de basic education based in CNE/CP nº 01 resolutions on 18th of February, 2002. The importance of this research consisted in investigate the mentioned process - social context of production, based on the perspective of sociology symbols of Pierre Bourdieu. The UFOPs campus was analyzed using Bourdieu s works as a basis, considering his main work entitled Homo academicus in which, the university is seen as a social sphere for disputes for position and powers. For this research, methodological procedures to the documental analysis and the semi- structuralized interview were adopted. The process of reformulation of the courses of teachers formation was seen as a game, showing that the position of professor would became the main object of dispute between three distinct groups: Graduation Pro-Rectory - PROGRAD, Department of Education (DEEDU) and another group of seven courses of teachers formation. In this game, there is the habitus manifestation as well a battle between those who has sort of symbolic influence in the university field, defending mainly for the possession of two capitals: the specific ones, which is the professor conception in dispute and the universitys capital, which guarantees better positions and more symbolic powers in this context.


poder (filosofia)  reforma do ensino brasil   educação  teses professores universitarios formação ensino superior minas gerais aspectos sociais  

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