Aspectos da comunicação terapêutica na interação da enfermeira com o usuário na atenção básica: um estudo na rede do município de Itajubá / Aspects of therapeutic communication in nurse\ s interaction with the user in the basic care: a study on the network of the city of Itajubá


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This is a comprehensive study which aimed to understand communicational aspects of patient-nurse relationship and to identify the elements of therapeutic communication in primary care nursing practice. We used structured observation and semi-structured interviews for collecting data. To select the services and the nurses for observation, we applied an inventory of ethical problems in primary care (IPE-APS) and included those with more (E1) and less (E3) ethical issues. As control we included a service whit an equilibrium in the results of IPE-APS (E2). For each nurse included, we observed the communication into two nursing care actions. After observation, we asked the nurses their opinion about the communication in the action they had just performed. The results pointed out that E3-nurse kept a tendency for a therapeutic communication and E2-nurse was the most distant of it. E1-nurse was nearer of therapeutic communication in one of the actions and distant in the other. The nurses do not realize the actual importance of communication in their daily practice and believe that, as it is part of human relations, it occurs naturally. They affirm that communication does not require technical or scientific basis. The study concluded that it is necessary to do have education actions on communication in primary care nursing.


assistência à saúde atenção à saúde communication comunicação cuidados primários de saúde ethics of nursing Ética da enfermagem health assistance health care health promotion primary health care promoção da saúde

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