Aspectos da desconstrução da reforma democrática do estado: perspectiva gerencial e precarização do trabalho




This work has main goal to point out the process of precarization of labor that, nowadays, affects the Brazilian public service. The debate is based on the analysis of the main theoretical, legal and practical accomplishments, which occurred during the process of State Reform. This Reform initiate in Brazil in 1995, during the government of Fernando Henrique Cardoso and its effects can be felt until today. Analyzing legal changes, as well as the documents of the New Politics of Human Resources and the Managing Plan of State Reform, a critic way that unmasks its neoliberal ideological perspective was elaborated. Moreover, the Constitution of 1988 is considered as a reform historical landmark, which democratic form break with the authoritarianism, creating a new politics, social and administrative organization, and the process of administrative reform is presented as negation of the rules, because it is seen as an important factor in the process of productive reorganization done in reply to the new crisis of the capitalist system in Brazil and all over the world. Therefore, Brazilian reality is not out of the worldwide proposals that adapt the private market to the flexible rule that was presented as an exit for the retaken of the profit, after the installed crisis situation. However, the center of this study is to demonstrate that during FHC government the precarious labor was installed in the private market of work, but also it has occupied the space of the public labor market. The analysis of the case of the Secretaria Nacional de Assistência Social, which belong to the Ministério do Desenvolvimento Social e Combate à Fome allows us to observe the nature of the administrative changing implemented by the 1995 Reform. In this study, it was possible to realize that this public agency functions by other hands, involved with the relation of a precarious out-sourcing. In this way, the thesis point out to the fact that the main success of the 1995 Reform was related to the precarious conditions of the public market sector as has occurred in the private labor market because of the productive reorganization of labour in the 1970 s.


state reform reforma do estado precarização do trabalho. politicas publicas public service precarization of labor. serviço público

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