Assembly of tobacco mosaic virus in vitro: elongation of partially reconstituted RNA.


It was reported that the rate of elongation of partially reconstituted RNA, if prepared without centrifugation, showed dependency upon the state of protein aggregation like that found when free RNA was used as the nucleic acid source [Butler, P. J. G. (1974) J. Mol. Biol. 82, 333-341]. Butler concluded from this result that disks are the kinetically favored protein source for the elongation of the tobacco mosaic virus rod. We show that partially reconstituted RNA prepared without centrifugation always contains a significant amount of free RNA and conclude that the dependency of its elongation rate upon the state of protein aggregation is due to contamination of his partially reconstituted RNA preparation by free RNA. The elongation rate of partially reconstituted RNA, which had been pelleted and contained no free RNA, was found to be about the same regardless of the state of aggregation of the added protein.

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