Asymmetric modulation and blockade of the delayed rectifier in squid giant axons by divalent cations.


The effects of intracellular magnesium ions and extracellular calcium and magnesium ions on the delayed rectifier potassium ion channel, IK, were investigated from intracellularly perfused squid giant axons. Cao+2 and Mgo+2 both blocked IK in a voltage-independent manner with a KD of approximately 100 and 500 mM, respectively. This effect was obscured at potentials in the vicinity of the resting potential (approximately -60 mV) by a rightward shift of the steady-state IK inactivation curve along the voltage axis. The addition of either calcium or magnesium ions to the extracellular solution also produced the well known shift of the IK activation curve along the voltage axis. Cao+2 was approximately twice as effective in this regard as Mgo+2. The IK activation kinetics were slowed by Cao+2, but deactivation kinetics were not altered, as shown previously. Similar results were obtained with Mgo+2. The addition of magnesium ions to the intracellular perfusate shifted the activation curve along the voltage axis in the negative direction (without producing block) by approximately the same among as the Mgo+2 shift of this curve in the positive direction. Moreover, Mgi+2 substantially slowed the deactivation kinetics, whereas the effects of Mgi+2 on activation kinetics at strongly depolarized potentials were relatively minor. At modest depolarizations, Mgi+2 significantly reduced the delay before IK activation. These results are essentially the mirror image of the effects on gating of extracellular divalent cations.

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