Auto percepção do corpo e alteração postural, promovendo a saúde dos acadêmicos de fisioterapia




The confrontation of challenges and uncertainties presents itself as an instrument to evaluate the complexity of educational actions in health. Without any doubt, there is a deep relationship between education and health awareness; they are responsible for mens quality of life, yet in some aspects, social structures continue to oppose themselves to public health, thus, preserving traditional and sometimes outdated clinical models. In order to promote and reach optimal health awareness, a disruption with the existing traditional patterns is essential, as is the pursuit that the necessary actions are taken on physical and social mediums. This study thus emerges, from the necessity of a deeper comprehension on how academic physical therapists develop self-awareness and physical perception, thus fundamental knowledge, since these professionals will routinely deal with with patients with physical disorders they need to be exceptionally familiar with possibilities and capabilities of human body. This field research has as general objective to evaluate in which level of college study Physical Therapy students are influenced by the physical conscience, addressing health awareness from self-perception and the focus on qualitative approaches, considering it is based in the comprehension of social phenomenon and the meaning attributed by society to the individuals involved. The collection of data includes a physical conscience questionnaire, a posture evaluation, and a self-portrait reflecting the students self-image. Therefore, the data analysis is relative to the results obtained in the three phases of the research, comparing and confronting the students self-perception with the students real physical condition. The results offer great contribution to the argument of a new field in the study of Physical Therapy, characterizing immense progress. Consequently, breaking ground to the implementation and creation of specific aspects directed to the theoretical study of body and movement, not only in a biological perspective, but also with the advancement of Physical Therapy methods and techniques, in a historic and theoretic context.


postura corporal- dissertaÇÕes promoÇÃo da saÚde - dissertaÇÕes saude coletiva

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