Autonomic and neuroendocrine responses to traumatic memory retrieval / Respostas autonômicas e neuroendócrinas à recuperação de memórias traumáticas




Several procedures are capable to induce retrieval of traumatic memories (RecMem). Psychotherapy techniques have been used to reduce the traumatic memories emotional response through rebuilding and re-meaning of the traumatic memories based on the subject´s resilience. Clinical signs of autonomic activation may be seen during RecMem, not representing reactions to external stressors. On the contrary, they are the result of psychic inputs internally generated. Therefore, it is possible to speculate that they can act as pure psychological stressors and, as such, able to induce autonomic and neuroendocrine responses. The aim of the present report is to determine whether these responses actually happen, as well as to determine their qualitative and quantitative characteristics. Six volunteers of both sexes, previously selected, and submitted to psychological testing (SCID, Hamilton and BDI) as well as chronotype determination, were submitted to two conditions: 1. Control condition (CC) and 2. Retrieval condition (CR). The subjects were placed in a controlled environment in both conditions, with ACTH, cortisol, adrenalin, prolactin, TSH and GH (stress related hormones) blood testing at every 15 minutes, for 2 hours; the first sample was obtained 30 minutes before the beginning of the procedures. In both conditions the subjects rested during these 30 minutes. In the CC the subjects remained resting, and in the CR were submitted to RecMem procedures followed by psychotherapeutic support. The resulting data were analyzed in their time-response curve profiles as well as were submitted to hormonal secretion statistical evaluation in both conditions. We conclude for autonomic and neuroendocrine responses compatible with psychological stress, that are not the same in all subjects, high lightening the variability of individual obtained responses.


neuroendocrinology stress psychotherapy memory psicoterapia neuroendocrinologia trauma emocional memória emotional trauma stress

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