Avaliação clinico-neurologica de recem-nascidos subnutridos e normais a termo : acompanhamento do desenvolvimento no primeiro ano de vida e detecção de alterações




Seventy newborns, thirty low-birthweight and forty nonnal birthweight, control group, full-tenn infants were enrolled in a longitudinal study to analyse the growth, neurological assessment and motorpsychoneuro development during the ftrst chronological year of life and to determine the relationship between their behaviors. The sample was carried out at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brazil, from July 1st. 1994 to March 30 1997. It was possible to consider different aspects such as neurological alterations, neurological maturation and adequate nutrition. The paper studies the relation between the alterations in the neurological exarnination of the full-tenn low-birthweight newborn ahd some factors such as maternal nutrition deprivation, poor maternal weight gain, social and cultural conditons of the mother, tobacco influence and no severe hypoxie. AlI cases with pathologies during the pregnancy and newborn period were exc1uded. The statistical analysis showed signiftcant difference in c1inical and neurological alterations between the groups, with lower results in low-birthweight newborns and correlation with alI factors studied. We conc1uded that it is very important the c1inical and neurological assessment of newborns low birthweight and during the ftrst year of tife to detect alterations and neurological maturation. " Ideally a meaningful neurological assessment should fonn part of the routine clinical exarnination of every newborn infant" (DUBOWITZ e DUBOWITZ , London, 1981)


recem-nascidos recem-nascidos - peso baixo

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