Avaliação da ingestão potencial de cafeina pela população de Campinas




A survey of the potential intake of caffeine was carried out in Campinas, S. P., Brazil, in the summer of 1993. The survey was based on a representative sample of 600 individuals, 9-80 years old, who were questioned about their habitual usage of coffee, tea, chocolate products and carbonated beverages. Caffeine levels in the products were determined by high performance liquid chromatography with a UV-visible detector at 254 nm. Individual daily intakes of caffeine were calculated from the consumption data generated by the survey and the caffeine content of the analysed products, and were expressed as mg/Kg b.w.. Of all those interviewed, 81% consumed coffee regularly, 75% coffee, 65% chocolate products and 37% tea. Of the analysed products, coffee showed the highest amounts of caffeine (5.34 to .10.51 mg/g). The average and median potential daily intake of caffeine by the population studied were respectively, 2.74 and 1.85 mg/Kg b.w.. Coffee, tea, chocolate products and carbonated beverages accounted for a median individual daily intake of 1.90; 0.32; 0.19 and 0.19 mg/Kg b.w., respectively. These intake data show that coffee is the most important vehicle for caffeine intake within the population studied.


cha cacau cromatografia liquida de alta eficiencia refrigerantes cafeina cafe

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