Avaliação de egressos de um programa de ação formativa para Promoção Social de famílias rurais / Evaluation of egress of a program of formative action for Social Promotion of rural families




This dissertations research consisted of an evaluation of egress students from a capacitating program with a view to the social promotion of rural families, in the eminence of estimating the changes possibly derived from the educational activities, departing from the analysis of their everyday experiences, in the contexts of their personal, familiar and professional lives, in regards to the artisan work. We departed from the presuposition that the challenges and needs faced by the educational area, at the beginning of the 21st century result from social and cultural transformations brought about by technological revolution and globalization. The overcoming of the poverty circle and the viabilization of social inclusion of different segments of the population, towards a more just and egalitarian society, presuppose formal, nonformal and informal educational policies capable of making changes to the economy, society and work. When supplementing the implementation cycle of these policies, the evaluation of the results from the formative activities constitute a key-element to subsidize the emission of judgments and decision-making. The social and scientific relevance of this research proposal lies in generating subsidies for the organization of formative systems, as regards evaluating the applicability of their programs and deliberating consciously about the continuation or redirection of their educational activities of a social tenor. The reflexive analysis of the subjects experiences in conformity with the theoretical proposals used the model of evaluation proposed by Donald Kirpatrick, considering the levels and the implications of the evaluation and includes the approaches of the categories: education, evaluation and the work with artisan textiles. The delineation contemplated the characterization of the public, motivations and the strengthening of competencies, supposedly acquired in training sessions aimed at a segment of the target-public at SENAR Minas, composed of members of the families of rural producers and workers who live in the microregions of Uba and Juiz de Fora (Mata, Minas Gerais). By means of documental research, we utilized a sample of twelve groups of egress trainees, who got a trainee session in 2005. Another sample of three groups showed evidence of attitudes, behaviors, opinions and perceptions about post-training experiences shared during the different activities of artisan textiles. In the field work, the concrete reality of the trainees was identified, through quantitative and qualitative approaches, after a minimum period of six months of the completion of the training sessions. The technique of interview focused on groups or focal groups was adapted and tested for obtaining and/or building data involving trainee groups. The results showed evidence of self-esteem boosting, as well as self-confidence of the egress trainees as for the quality of production of artisan textiles, and as for the utilization and conservation of material, utensils and production equipment. We identified the commitment of the trainees in utilizing rationally the environmental resources, preserving the environment and keeping their rights and duties in the consumption of textiles. We also noticed improvement to the managerial capacity in terms of planning and work organization, in the reduction of costs and the setting of goals for future enterprises. Such results were shown to be coherent with the objectives of social promotion of the program, since they pointed to the existence of a positive relationship between the training sessions and the changes to the personal, social, professional and familiar lives of the trainees, as a result from the productive skill and the social and familiar integration. We realized that the methodological design for the evaluation of the educational programs which aimed at social promotion, involving trainee groups, was economically viable and allowed to identify concrete changes to the trainees reality.


artisan textiles artesanato têxtil informal educational avaliação de egresso economia domestica educação não-formal evaluation of egress

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