Avaliação de testes sorológicos para leishmaniose visceral canina utilizando coleta de amostra sanguíneas em papel de filtro




xvi Visceral Leishmaniasis comes presenting important changes in its standard of transmission, with gradual urbanization and geographic expansion, attacking undamaged considered regions previously. The control of the illness if has shown difficult and laborious, e the experience acquired in the last decades discloses the necessity of if using the measures of control of integrated form. Enclosed it enters the strategies praised for the public agencies, the elimination of the canine reservoirs constitutes an important action that, to be executed, it demands a correct identification of the dogs with infection. Other measures, as the vaccination of the dogs, they have been also used. With the introduction in the market of a vaccine against the Canine Visceral Leishmaniasis (Leishmune), capable to cause the development of high levels of IgG antibodies, the use of new serological markers becomes necessary. Moreover, for the serodiagnosis of the infection for Leishmania chagasi, the use of blood desiccated in filter paper (SDPF) is desirable, therefore it presents advantages on the use of serum gotten for venopuncture, mainly with relation to the involved costs with logistic and the easinesses for use in field conditions. Thus, in this work, one searched to validate, in samples of serum and SDPF, one has tested of indirect fluorescence antibody (IFA), developed for the Bio-Manguinhos, e two enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), being one of them also developed by the Bio-Manguinhos and the other developed in accordance with the described technique for Voller (1976) with modifications, using dissolvable antigen gotten from promastigotas of L. major-like. The reproducibility of the levels of antibodies IgG, IgG1 and IgG2 was also evaluated, for these serological reactions, to long of the passed time after the collection. Moreover, it was determined capacity of the antibodies IgG1 and IgG2 of if constituting in markers of active infection of L. chagasi and their behavior in samples of SDPF. The samples of serum and eluates of SDPF gotten of 161 dogs - being 31 negatives, 10 with Trypanosoma cruzi infection, 42 asymptomatic, 45 oligosymptomatic and 33 polisymptomatic for L. chagasi infection - they had been assayed in duplicate in the 1 day after collection (D.A.C.), being that in 15, 30 and 60 D.A.C. they had been assayed aliquot of samples of eluates of SDPF and compared with the results gotten with the serum in 1 D.A.C. The validity of the reactions, in serum and eluates, it was surveyed through the indices of the co-positivity (icp), co-negativity (icn), agreement of Youden (j) and the preditivos values positive (vpp) and negative (vpn), using it reaction of IFA in serum as reference, a time that this reaction demonstrated allegiance in identifying the truily positive and negative animals correctly. The IFA, ELISA (Bio-Manguinhos), ELISA IgG (Ag. L. major-like) and ELISA IgG2 (Ag. L. major-like), in samples of serum and eluates, if they had shown valid for the serodiagnosis of the LVC. The crossed distribution of the results gotten with serum and eluates, for each evaluated reaction, it disclosed and good agreements for the IFI reactions excellent, ELISA (Bio-Manguinhos), ELISA IgG (Ag. L. major-like) and ELISA IgG2 (Ag. L. major-like). The analysis of the reproducibility of the reactions in SDPF, stored 4C with silica-gel, in function of the time, it demonstrated that levels of specific antibodies IgG, gifts in the samples of SDPF, they had been remained steady for up to 30 D.A.C. for the reaction of IFI and up to 60 D.A.C. for the reactions of ELISA (Bio-Manguinhos) and ELISA (Ag. L. major-like). The specific antibodies of the subclasses IgG1 and IgG2, gifts in the samples of SDPF, also they had kept its steady levels for up to 60 D.A.C. for the reaction of ELISA (Ag. L. major-like). It was not possible to establish a correlation enters the levels of the antibodies IgG, IgG1 and IgG2 with the clinical classification of the dogs with L. chagasi infection.


imunologia leishmaniasis imunologia de protozoários sorologia parasitology calazar calazar leshmaniose parasitologia

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