"Avaliação do hábito alimentar de pacientes senescentes totalmente desdentados antes e após a reabilitação protética, estimando a inserção de alguns alimentos na dieta" / Evaluation of the alimentary attitude in senescent edentulous patients, before and after prosthetic rehabilitation, considering the addition of different foods in the diet




In this research, the alimentary attitude of senescent edentulous patients was evaluated, before and after the rehabilitation by new complete dentures. A clinical exam, an interview and a survey were performed. The work was accomplished in three different phases: the first was developed before the beginning of any procedure related to the construction of the new dentures and consisted of a clinical record, a prosthetic evaluation and an alimentary anamnesis. The second and the third phases took place after the prosthetic rehabilitation and were done in periods between two to three months and five to six months respectively, together with new clinical exams. The data collected during those three different periods were processed using software BioEstat 3.0 ; the level of significant was p <0,05, in a bilateral proof. The results demonstrated that after the installation of new complete dentures made according to the technique there was a functional improvement of the dentures noticed as a better performance in the individuals masticatory ability. It was reported also changes in the consistence of the diet associated to the increasing of different nutrients to the diet. It was also possible to verify that when the prostheses presented satisfactory retention and stability, intestinal habit was influenced positively. However, through this study only, it was not possible to identify if there was a real modification in patients’ alimentary habit or if different nutrients were inserted to it. To make sure those modifications had happened complementary exams should have been performed as well.


senescent patient reabilitação protética prótese total avaliação hábito alimentar prosthetic rehabilitation alimentary habit evaluation complete dentures paciente senescentes

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