Avaliação do programa escola de postura em pacientes com lombalgia crônica do hospital municipal de Rolim de Moura-RO




The objective of the intervention study was to evaluate the effects of the program Back School in patients with chronic low back pain at the Municipal Hospital Amélio João da Silva in Rolim de Moura RO. For task it was necessary instruments like Visual Analogy Scale and Rolland-Morriss questions. Thirty-nine patients of the hospital were part of the study. According to the results, it was possible see that a considering reduction in the frequency and intensity of the low back pain, was possible in patients giving them better conditions. Comparing the study among the people, it was noted differences in the numeric scale between the numbers. With this study it was possible to understand that the population need more care and instruction about health problems, in this case, low back pain, thats how the instruction can be part of the rehabilitation, and will be able to look at this illness with responsability, making possible development strategies for studies of people with chronics low back pain.


flexibilidade ciencias da saude flexibility. escola de postura lombalgia back school low back pain

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