Avaliação dos impactos causados pelos visitantes em trilhas : Parque Estadual Mata dos Godoy - Londrina/PR


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This research aims to investigate the Conservation Units, especially the Parks. The conservation area Mata dos Godoy State Park (PEMG) was chosen to carry out the referent study. The PEMG is located in the northern region of Parana State and belongs to the municipality of Londrina. The trails most frequented by the public probably have magnified the environmental impacts. The goal of this research was to assess these impacts and verify the possibility of reconciling environmental preservation whit the public visitation. For this we selected two tracks: Track A, Peter Trail, not used by visitors and Track B, Trails Perobas and Figueiras, used by visitors. The field work was conducted to collect qualitative data of impact indicators: 1) survey of vegetation conditions, 2) trails beds conditions, and 3) environmental damage caused by visitors on the trails. The data was collected on 13 points of observation and recording through the trails. A poll of park visitors was performed in order to ascertain whether they had any knowledge of environmental awareness and minimum impact practice on natural environments. The data were analyzed with the software ArcGIS 9.3 and Excel to represent the results graphically and employing maps. The comparison of impact indicator of the two tracks analyzed showed that both were in very similar conditions. No significant changes in the tracks despite the use. The poll s results showed that visitors who frequent the park besides having environmental sensitivity were aware of minimal impact conduct, which contributes to the good state of preservation in Trail B. This indicates that the visitors of the Park is not the factor impacts alone. Check other factors including the actual construction of the trail, its physical and environmental conditions and the visitor education is essential. By combining the physical and environmental conditions and good track visitor behavior makes it possible to integrated environmental preservation with public visitation.


impacto ambiental - avaliação parques - trilhas homem - influência sobre a natureza parques - conservação conservation areas natural resources analysis of environmental impact trails environment effect of man Áreas de conservação de recursos naturais conservação da natureza

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