Avaliação econômica da irrigação do cafeeiro em uma região tradicionalmente produtora / Economical evaluation of the irrigation of the coffee plant in a traditionally producer area




In areas with high hydrics deficits, the empiric results appear in the sense of the economical viability of the irrigation. However, in traditional producing areas, characterized by humid climate, where the irrigation is made in a supplemental way, the economical viability of that practice is discussed and lacking of studies. In that sense, the present work had for objective to analyze the economical viability of the implantation of technological alternatives of irrigation in the production of coffee in a producer area, as in the municipal district of Viçosa-MG. For that, five technological alternatives of production of coffee were analyzed. A- production no-irrigated with low productivity, B - production noirrigated with high productivity, C - production irrigated by leak, D - production fertirrigated for leak and E - production irrigated by mesh. As result, was verified that all the indicators of economical viability (VPL, TIR, CTMe and PP) indicated the economical superiority of the irrigated coffee production and fertirrigated, mainly irrigated by mesh, following for the fertirrigated and irrigated by leak, respectively, in relation to no-irrigated production. When analyzed the risk, the technological alternatives no-irrigated, irrigated and fertirrigated were very sensitive in terms of VPL and TIR in relationship the variables prices of the coffee and productivity of the coffee plantation and little sensitive to the changes of the variables eventual labor, fertilizer, urea, electric power, water, fungicide and insecticide, price of acquisition of the earth and price of the overhead irrigations and fertirrigation for leak and mesh. Also for the risk analysis, the production no-irrigated with high and the with low productivity presented the smallest returns (maxima, medium and minima) and the largest risks, because they had the largest variation coefficients (CV) in terms of VPL and TIR, and smallest VPL and TIR independently of the level of probability of occurrence of VPL and TIR. The technological alternative irrigated by mesh had the smallest risk, following for the fertirrigated alternative and irrigated by leak. Like this, it is ended that the irrigated coffee growing is economically viable and superior to the alternative of no-irrigated production, even in areas traditionally producers, as in the municipal district of Viçosa-MG, once, besides elevating the economical return, it reduces the risk in the coffee production.


retorno return risco irrigation economia agraria irrigação café coffee risk

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