Babesia bovis Merozoite Surface Antigen 2 Proteins Are Expressed on the Merozoite and Sporozoite Surface, and Specific Antibodies Inhibit Attachment and Invasion of Erythrocytes


American Society for Microbiology


The Babesia bovis merozoite surface antigen 2 (MSA-2) locus encodes four proteins, MSA-2a1, -2a2, -2b, and -2c. With the use of specific antibodies, each MSA-2 protein was shown to be expressed on the surface of live extracellular merozoites and coexpression on single merozoites was confirmed. Individual antisera against MSA-2a, MSA-2b, and MSA-2c significantly inhibited merozoite invasion of bovine erythrocytes. As tick-derived sporozoites also directly invade erythrocytes, expression of each MSA-2 protein on the sporozoite surface was examined and verified. Finally, statistically significant inhibition of sporozoite binding to the erythrocytes was demonstrated by using antisera specific for MSA-2a, MSA-2b, and MSA-2c. These results indicate an important role for MSA-2 proteins in the initial binding and invasion of host erythrocytes and support the hypothesis that sporozoites and merozoites use common surface molecules in erythrocyte invasion.

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