Biodiversidade : institucionalização e programas governamentais no Brasil




This doctoral dissertation deals with the theme of biodiversity in the intemational action and the institutionalization process, as it relates to projects and programas implemented in Brazil as a result of the signing of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CDB) (Convenção sobre Diversidade Biológica - CDB). Other issues addressed include the current status of the biological diversty, sites containing megabiodiversity, and the environmental and economic importance of the biological resources as provide of goods and services. 1t thus contextualization biological diversity in the evolution of the social perception of the importance of the environmet for the present and the future generations. From this contextualization this dissertation presents the historical steps that placed biodiversity as a key issue for the United Nation, up to the point when it elaborated the Convention on Biological Diversity document, 1992, where the signed parties committed the adhere to the principIes and recommendations presented therein. The CDB has as basic principIes the conservation of biodiversity, the sustainable use of its components, and the fair and equitable distribution of the benefits derived from it. These are contained in its legal document wich establishes rules and obligations, and the planning and manner ofutilization ofknowledge related to biodiversity. This study analiyzes the various artic1es of the Convention and how its reeommendations have been implemented in Brazil. It also deseribes and analyzes the main aetivities and programs related to biodiversity, that are being earrled out in Brazilian institutions, and the interfaeing and integration proeess among them. With this deseription the dissertation


desenvolvimento economico - aspectos governamentais diversidade biologica politicas publicas

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