Calculo automatico de lajes protendidas simuladas como grelha utilizando o metodo dos elementos finitos




The purpose this paper is automatize the design of the prestressed slabs, using with simulation the grid of the method. The slab is substituted by an equivalent grid in the plane horizontal. The analitic design of the slabs is complex, in the usual table is forneced only expression that abided to designer the fletor moment, considering some freedon of condiction, limiting the use this tables. The program developed in this paper are evaluated: stress, tension and displacement any section of the slab with freedon condiction variable. The results are forneced for each beam of the grid. The prestress force is evaluated utilizing the types of the prestress defined of the Brazilian standard Code: full, limited and partial, chosen in input of the program. The final prestress force adopted is the highest of both, since it respects the restrictions imposed by the Brazilian standard Code. With the prestress force defined is determined the region where owe to be the placeded the concret pressure of line ( limiting zone ), respecting this, is ploted the line that within the c.g.s. of the cable in beam respecting the concept of concordant cable which the equation is propused in program. If the cable doesn t to respect the zone limiting, with the idea of linear transformation is calculed a discordant cable that respects the restrictions imposed by zone limiting. ...Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertations


concreto protendido vigas de concreto protendido lajes de concreto engenharia de estruturas

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