Capacity for postreplication repair correlated with transducibility in Rec- mutants of Bacillus subtilis.


Bacillus subtilis strains deficient in transduction, transformation, or both were examined for the ability to remove pyrimidine dimers and to convert deoxyribonucleic acid newly synthesized after ultraviolet irradiation to high molecular weight. In one strain deficient in both recombination processes, short pieces of deoxyribonucleic acid synthesized after irradiation were not converted to high molecular weight. Two transformable strains deficient in transduction were also deficient in postreplication repair (i.e., joining of newly synthesized DNA fragments), whereas a nontransformable strain that was normal in transduction was proficient in postreplication repair. None of the transformable strains showed deficiencies in repair resynthesis or ligase activity. Our results suggest that some recombinational events may be common to transduction and postreplication repair but not to transformation, emphasizing the difference between these two pathways for genetic exchange.

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