Carbohydrate Fermentation by Streptococcus cremoris and Streptococcus lactis Growing in Agar Gels


When lactic streptococci were embedded in agar gels and incubated at 30°C, the end products of carbohydrate fermentation depended on the initial cell density, which determined the subsequent distribution and size of colonies in the gel. With high initial cell densities, microcolonies formed close together and lactose and glucose were converted almost entirely to lactate. However, inoculation with a small number of cells, which then grew to form widely spaced and comparatively large colonies, resulted in up to 30% diversion of end product, usually to formate, ethanol, and acetate. In these “low-colony-density” gel cultures, the initial rate of fermentation was exponential and only lactate was formed. However, this rate then became linear and fermentation became progressively more heterolactic. Streptococcus lactis ML8 was the only strain among the 10 tested which remained homolactic. Incubation at temperatures either above or below the optimum for growth and metabolism decreased the diversion to end products other than lactate. The change from homo- to heterolactic fermentation appears to be caused by carbohydrate depletion in the vicinity of the colony, so that fermentation is then limited by the diffusion of substrate. Growth of cells on gel surfaces exposed to air resulted in up to 40% diversion of end product from lactate, mainly to CO2, acetoin, 2,3-butanediol, and acetate. Six of the 12 Streptococcus cremoris strains tested remained homolactic under these aerobic conditions, whereas all 8 of the S. lactis strains tested, including ML8, were heterolactic.

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