Characterization of a TOL-like plasmid from Alcaligenes eutrophus that controls expression of a chromosomally encoded p-cresol pathway.


Alcaligenes eutrophus wild-type strain 345 metabolizes m- and p-toluate via a catechol meta-cleavage pathway. DNA analysis, curing studies, and transfer of this phenotype by conjugation and transformation showed that the degradative genes are encoded on a self-transmissible 85-kilobase plasmid, pRA1000. HindIII and XhoI restriction endonuclease analysis of pRA1000 showed it to be similar to the archetypal TOL plasmid, pWWO, differing in the case of HindIII only by the absence of fragments B and D present in pWWO. In strain 345, the presence of pRA1000 prevented the expression of chromosomally encoded enzymes required for the degradation of p-cresol, whereas these enzymes were expressed in strains cured of pRA1000. On the basis of studies with an R68.45-pRA1000 cointegrate plasmid, pRA1001, we conclude that the gene(s) responsible for the effect of p-cresol degradation resides within or near the m- and p-toluate degradative region on pRA1000.

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