Characterization of RNA Determinants Recognized by the Arginine- and Proline-Rich Region of Us11, a Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1-Encoded Double-Stranded RNA Binding Protein That Prevents PKR Activation


American Society for Microbiology


The herpes simplex virus Us11 gene product inhibits activation of the cellular PKR kinase and associates with a limited number of unrelated viral and cellular RNA molecules via a carboxyl-terminal 68-amino-acid segment rich in arginine and proline. To characterize the determinants underlying the recognition of an RNA target by Us11, we employed an in vitro selection technique to isolate RNA ligands that bind Us11 with high affinity from a population of molecules containing an internal randomized segment. Binding of Us11 to these RNA ligands is specific and appears to occur preferentially on conformational isoforms that possess a higher-order structure. While the addition of unlabeled poly(I · C) reduced binding of Us11 to a selected radiolabeled RNA, single-stranded homopolymers were not effective competitors. Us11 directly associates with poly(I · C), and inclusion of an unlabeled selected RNA in the reaction reduces poly(I · C) binding, while single-stranded RNA homopolymers have no effect. Finally, Us11 binds to defined, double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) molecules that exhibit greater sequence complexity. Binding to these dsRNA perfect duplexes displays a striking dependence on length, as 39-bp or shorter duplexes do not bind efficiently. Furthermore, this interaction is specific for dsRNA as opposed to dsDNA, implying that the Us11 RNA binding domain can distinguish nucleic acid duplexes containing 2′ hydroxyl groups from those that do not. These results establish that Us11 is a dsRNA binding protein. The arginine- and proline-rich Us11 RNA binding domain is unrelated to known dsRNA binding elements and thus constitutes a unique recognition motif that interacts with dsRNA. The ability of Us11 to bind dsRNA may be important for inhibiting activation of the cellular PKR kinase in response to dsRNA.

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