CheZ Has No Effect on Flagellar Motors Activated by CheY13DK106YW


American Society for Microbiology


The behaviors of both cheZ-deleted and wild-type cells of Escherichia coli were found to be very sensitive to the level of expression of CheZ, a protein known to accelerate the dephosphorylation of the response regulator CheY-phosphate (CheY-P). However, cells induced to run and tumble by the unphosphorylated mutant protein CheY13DK106YW (CheY**) failed to respond to CheZ, even when CheZ was expressed at high levels. Therefore, CheZ neither affects the flagellar motors directly nor sequesters CheY**. In in vitro cross-linking studies, CheY** promoted trimerization of CheZ to the same extent as wild-type CheY but failed to induce the formation of complexes of higher molecular weight observed with CheY-P. Also, CheY** could be cross-linked to FliM, the motor receptor protein, nearly as well as CheY-P. Thus, to CheZ, CheY** looks like CheY, but to FliM, it looks like CheY-P.

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