Cidade e deambulação nos filmes de Ozualdo Candeias / Cidade e deambulação nos filmes de Ozualdo Candeias




This dissertation has by finality the study of the films of Ozualdo Candeias in which Sao Paulo is represented. In such films, the presence of une city is being verified, whose reconstruction in terms of cinematographic images is typified by the constant movement of the characters. The aim of this work is the description of the group of films, through the corpus of this research, the focus of the approaching is connected with different elements that turn around of the idea of deambulation. For that, one chapter contributed with the representation of the bodies and spaces, in the photographys made by the director in the Boca do Lixo. In the next chapters the following films are examinated: Ensino Industrial (1962), Rodovias (1962), A margem (1967), Zezero (1973), O Candinho (1976), Aopção ou As rosas da estrada (1981) e As belas da Billings (1987).


ozualdo candeias ozualdo candeias

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