Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor (CNTF) effects over pancreatic islets function and survival / Efeitos do Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor (CNTF) sobre a função e sobrevivencia de ilhotas pancreaticas




Introduction: CNTF belongs to the IL-6 cytokine family and as such, it signals through gp130 receptor complex, activating many pathways depending on the cell-type, mainly STAT3, MAPK and PI3K. Its effects include increased neuron differentiation and/or survival, and are differentially expressed throughout the animal life. Meanwhile, pancreatic islets are richly innervated and express receptors for NGFs, may undergo neurotypic responses, and express CNTF. The aim of this study was to investigate possible effects of CNTF on neonatal rat pancreatic islet differentiation and/or survival, which signalling pathway (s) it activates on pancreatic islets and how it is expressed in the pancreatic islets throughout the animal life. Methods: Pancreatic islets from neonatal rats (1-2 d old) were isolated by the collagenase method and cultured for 3 days in RPMI medium with (CNTF) or without (CTL) 1nM of CNTF. Thereafter, glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (RIA), general metabolism by (NAD(P)H production) (MTS), glucose metabolism (14CO2 production), gene (RT-PCR), protein expression (Western-Blot), caspase-3 activity (DEVD), and apoptosis (DNA fragmentation) were analysed. Results: CNTF reduced pancreatic islets GSIS and metabolism, whereas not affecting glucose metabolism and the expression of proteins crucial for the islets function. Conversely, CNTF significantly expression of proteins related pancreatic islets survival, such as Cx36, PAX4, and BCL-2, reduced caspase-3 activity and islet-cells apoptosis. CNTF also increases STAT3 fosforilation, translocation to the nuclei and expression of target genes, resulting in the reduced GSIS and survival observed, although not affecting MAPK and PI3K pathways. Moreover, CNTF expression is increased in rats pancreatic islets after 2 months of age, and it remains so until 20 months of age. Conclusion: CNTF has no effect over maturation of pancreatic islets function, whereas it improves pancreatic islets survival, and also that these effects are mediated through JAK/STAT3 but not through MAPK or PI3K pathways. Finally, CNTF is differentially expressed in rat pancreatic islets throughout the animal life


diabetes sinalização celular apoptosis pancreatic islets diabetes langerhans cellular signalling cntf ilhotas de apoptose cntf

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