Com quem me casei? De quem me separei? Um estudo de caso sobre mulheres em processo de separação




This research was carried through a Master degree program in Psychology at the University Catholic Dom Bosco, in Campo Grande-MS. It had as objective to analyze the influence of the unconscious motivations of the formation, daily lives, conflict and dissolution of the conjugal bond from the feminine point of view, collected by a data of a studied group which was brief, opened and with some principles of the focal group. As support to the studied group, it was used the technique of psychotherapy, a psychodynamic approach, adapted to the work condition of an institutional group. During the accomplishment of this research, it was used the paradigms and presumption of the human sciences, applying the qualitative method and some of the presumption of the clinical method. The procedures that took place were: participants observation, the semi-structuralized interviews and the data handling through the comprehension, and the interpretation of the material in accordance with the principles of the comprehensivist and hermeneutic model. The results reveled that the womens experiences during her first phases of the psychosexual development and the formation of the feminine identity, exerted a significant influence in the selection of their spouse, and the configuration of the unconscious marriage contract, which started to exert on each one of them its influence on the daily basis. It was possible to observe that the same unconscious motivations appeared at the first moment a strong loving attraction among the spouses, culminated marriage. During the conjugal relation causes that originated and developed conjugal conflicts, caused in part the process of dissolution of marriage. According the facts collected at the studied group, it was also evident that the unconscious motivations originated from infant relationships, and it continues to influence womens experiences during the process of conjugal separation. Based on the results, it was possible to clarify and comprehend the psychodynamics aspects and structure, referred to the feminine identity present in the complex process of the conjugal separation, as well as, to offer a psychological counseling group model, which could be used in institutions such as School Clinics, Basic Health units in the Cities and Judicial Poles of Family of the State Judiciary Power, with the intention to provide shelter, support and relief of pain and suffering that people deeply live in this transition period of their lives.


conjugal separation psychodynamic psychology. group of reflection psicologia separação conjugal grupo de reflexão feminine identity identidade feminina psicologia psicodinâmica.

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