ComÃrcio Exterior e InserÃÃo Internacional do Brasil:a participaÃÃo do Investimento Direto Estrangeiro â IDE â na Agricultura, PecuÃria e Industria Extrativa Mineral â perÃodo 1996 â 2004




The objective of the work is to analyze the Foreign commerce and the international insertion of Brazil, from the characterization of the current flow of investiment direct foreignand is impact on the exporting sector, in Agriculture, Cattle and Mineral Extrativa Industry un period 1996 â 2004. The concentration in the production of good of consumption and intermediate for the domestic market, associate to the strong equipament importation, raw materiais and components in the Nineties and the second concentration in the sector of servicesin the following years, indicates that IDE does not modify with prominance the guideline of exportations. IDE is an important entrace of verge, but the sectores of perfomance of IDE, do not lislocate one the main restrictions to the growth: the external restriction in the trade balance


economia internacional foreign commerce economia international economy direct foreign investment internacionalizaÃÃo econÃmica brasil investimento direto estrangeiro economic internationalization of brazil comÃrcio exterior

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