Compactação e compressibilidade de resíduos sólidos urbanos / Compaction and compressibility of municipal solid waste




The objectives of this research were to: (i) study the compaction characteristics of municipal solid waste (MSW); (ii) evaluate the compression mechanisms of MSW and its response to a surcharge (waste test fill) over an existing landfill; (iii) develop a computer program for landfill settlement predictions. A waste test fill with a volume of about 24,400 M POT.3and a height up to 4 m, distributed over an area of approximately 8,400 M POT.2, was constructed in Sao Paulo, to study compaction procedures for sanitary landfills. Large in situ tests were performed to evaluate the unit weight of waste immediately after compaction at several locations for each lift. Water content measurements and composition determinations were carried out, as well as thickness measurements of the waste layers after each construction (compaction) phase. The test fill was constructed over an existing landfill. Thus, the test fill provided opportunities to study the compression of the new and the old waste. A rigorous program of deformation monitoring was implemented in order to separate compression of the test fill from settlement of the underlying landfill. Benchmarks were located inside and outside of the experimental area, and settlement plates were installed at the bottom of the test fill. The monitoring period encompasses around 3 years of measurements. The research provided: (i) new guidelines and relationships for compaction of municipal solid waste, including the influences of compaction equipment, number of passes, lift thickness, water content, and compaction plane. The water content has presented larger response on the compaction process than the other variables; (ii) quantitative data regarding unit weight, the influence of depth on unit weight, water content, compressibility of MSW, and leachate generation; (iii) assessment of the performance of existing MSW compressibility models described in the literature; (iv) development of a composite model of MSW compressibility that considers primary compression, secondary mechanical compression, and compression from biodegradation; (v) development of the computer program MSWSET using the composite model of MSW compressibility to calculate landfill settlement as a function of time. The developed model and program has presented a high performance, being a powerful tool for landfill settlement prediction.


modelos reológicos sanitary landfills unit weight recalques resíduos sólidos urbanos aterros sanitários compressibility compactação peso específico rheological models compaction compressibilidade municipal solid waste settlements

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