Comparação de modelos hidrodinâmicos simplificados de propagação de vazão em rios e canais


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This work has identified, tested and improved simplified flood routing models to verify the advantages and disadvantages presented. The solutions provided by these models were tested by using a full hydrodynamic model considered in this work as an ideal result. The simplified hydrodynamic models used were: A variable parameter kinematics wave model, the Muskingum-Cunge flood routing model, the variable parameter Muskingum-Cunge flood routing model (three and four points scheme) the Muskingum-Cunge modified by Todini (MCT) and the model IPHS1. The full hydrodynamic model used was HEC-RAS. It was also proposed a procedure to represent the effect of the floodplain rivers. To evaluate the behavior of different flood routing models numerical tests were created and were applied to then. The characteristics of synthetic inflow hydrographs, the characteristics of riverbed and floodplain, and the criteria for temporal and spatial discretization were perturbed. The evaluation of the results was made through the errors of conservation of volume, peak flow and time of occurrence of peak flow. Moreover, it was also considered, in some tests, applicability criteria recommended by some authors for different models, such as models of kinematic flood wave and diffusive flood wave. The results show that the Muskingum Cunge Todini, modified to represent the effect of the floodplain flow is very promising. Finally, it is also shown that this model closely approaches the full Saint Venant equation solution (HEC-RAS). The others models were worse than HEC-RAS and MCT. About applicability criteria, it recommends the use of the ¿x three times smaller than the value suggested by Fread. Moreover, the simplified hydrodynamic models can be used outside limits of applicability suggested by Ponce about kinematic and diffusive wave.


volume conservation simplified hydrodynamic models flood routing models planície de inundação vazão modelos hidrodinamicos

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