Comparative analysis of the number of occlusal contacts to the end of the retainer phase, and after a period of 5 years in patients with malocclusion of class II, treated with extrations to 4 bicuspid / ANÁLISE COMPARATIVA DO NÚMERO DE CONTATOS OCLUSAIS AO FINAL DA FASE DE CONTENÇÃO, E APÓS UM PERÍODO DE 5 ANOS, EM PACIENTES COM MÁ-OCLUSÃO DE CLASSE II, TRATADOS COM EXTRAÇÕES DE 4 PRÉ- MOLARES.




A study comparing the number of occlusal contact points in maximum habitual intercuspation in a sample composed by 14 leucoderm patients, 9 female and 5 males, Angle Class II division 1 mallocclusion, treated using Edgewise technique, with extrations of the 4 first pre-molars. These points were registered in two times: T1 at the end of superior retainer phase and T2 - after an average period of 5,2 years. The analysis verified the total points of contact of the upper and lower arches, separately. After the statistic analysis, it can be concluded that there were no significant differences between the average number of occlusal contacts in T1 and T2.(AU)


contatos oclusais maximum intercuspation má-oclusão de classe ii ortodontia máxima intercuspidação class ii mallocclusion occlusal contacts

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