Compensação ambiental: uma alternativa para viabilização de espaços livres públicos para lazer e convívio na cidade de São Paulo / Environmental compensation: an alternative for the availability of public open spaces for social contact and leasure in the city of São Paulo




This academic essay focuses in the analysis of how the environmental compensation contributes to the attenuation of public open spaces deficit in the city of São Paulo. To achieve this goal, it is made a contextualization of this mechanism respecting the other ones in Brazil and an outlining of the historical evolution of the compensatory legislation from the beginning of its application in the city in 1998. It also broaches the different roles performed by the urban forestry and the public open spaces as compensations for the environmental damage. This essay also makes a mapping of the actions that resulted in the production of public open spaces and the evaluation of the positive aspects of the mechanism and the ones to be improved, aiming its betterment.


são paulo (sp) forestry environmental legislation public spaces arborização espaços livres open spaces legislação ambiental espaços públicos

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