Componentes para o desenvolvimento de intranets




The development of Internet based systems has introdueed the paradigm of Web applieations. Sinee Internet was opened to the market, the demand for Web systems has inereased as a eonsequenee of using Internet as an infrastrueture to deploy information, applieations and serviees to employees (intranets), partners (extranets) and elients (Internet sites). On the other hand, sinee the Internet had not been eoneeived for these purposes, a lot of initiatives was launehed to bypass its deficienees. Aetually, while the market tried to supply the demand for new Web solutions, they did that in a manner that inereased the number of teehnologies, as well as the eomplexity and immaturity of eaeh one. These faetors eontributed to increase the difficulties in developing Web software in a eorreet, eficient, fast and eheap way. This projeet focuses on diffieulties related to the Web software development process, and proposes some eoncepts and tools to make the project and implementation tasks easier. At intranet planning, this work ean be used to define the common steps, resources, oportunities, services and applieations that an intranet must address. Concerning to implementing Web applieations, this work offers a proof of concept through development of four general purpose components and a framework for intranet doeument management built on top of these components


engenharia de software intranets (redes de computação) redes de computação

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