Comportamento sexual, parâmetros seminais e diluição pós-congelamento de sêmen de jumentos (Equus asinus) da raça Pêga / Sexual behavior, seminal parameters and dilution after freezing Pêga breed donkeys (Equus asinus) semen


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The aim of this study was to elucidate aspects of asinine behavior from the description of various collections using an artificial vagina and relate this behavior with the seminal parameters. We evaluated also the availability of the formulation of the diluent T2-94 plus dimethylformamide in the protection of sperm cells during cryopreservation of semen from the Pêga breed donkeys; examined the effect of the reintroduction of seminal plasma (SP) after thawing in protection against osmotic stress of that semen, and also the effect of dilution with Botu-Semen (BTU), evaluating the effects on parameters of sperm viability assessments by "in vitro", described in Chapter 2. Used in this study were three Pêga donkeys. At first, the samples were taken only for sexual behavior of animals: Number of Flehmen Reflexes (FR), numbers of mounts without erection (MWE) and reaction time (RT), besides the evaluation of fresh semen is not diluted. The results showed that the animals were, on average, FR 3.9, MWE 1.4 and finishing the service about 24.8 min. The mean ejaculate volume was 53 mL. The motility was 77%, and the force of 3.7 0.3. The sperm concentration ranged from 683 to 710 million sperm per mL of semen ejaculated. In morphology, the average was 12% of viable cells in the ejaculate. It was found that the greater the reaction time and the number of mounts without erection, the greater number of ejaculations in the presence of gel. The best adequacy of management to be employed under the conditions of the study, the proportion depends on knowledge about the sexual behavior of animals used. In a second step, semen was collected from those animals intended for freezing, using the diluent T2-94, plus the cryoprotectant dimethyl formamide. On thawing, the samples were diluted SP or BTU and observed for two hours, during the heat resistance test (HRT). Samples were removed for evaluation of frozen-thawed semen, the morphology and hypoosmotic stress test in three treatments (control, SP and BTU). The results showed that the motility was greater in SP treatment (55.9%) compared with the control group (50.6%). The mean of the spermatic was 3.4 with addition of SP and BTU after freezing. The number of cells reactive to supravital test, and the percentage of total defects observed in sperm morphology did not differ between treatments. In hypoosmotic test, the number of reactive cells was higher in treatment with the addition of PS (43.5%). During the HRT, motility was kept higher within 2 hours after thawing with addition of PS or with addition of BTU (25.2 10.6 and 23.4 13.1, respectively). The same occurred with the spermatic in T4 showed that 2.8 0.4 in the treatment with the addition of SP, and 2.4 0.6 with the addition of BTU. The evaluation means 94 + T2-dimethylformamide to asses semen were positive, showing be able to preserve sperm motility after cryopreservation. The reintroduction of SP showed improvement in semen parameters and remained seminal acceptable standard tests "in vitro".


reproducao animal jumento criopreservação de sêmen plasma seminal donkeys cryopreservation of semen seminal plasma

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