Compreesão de textos com conteúdos matemáticos por parte de aprendizes jovens e adultos/as




In this investigation it was analyzed which are the difficulties and/or strengths, for the understanding of texts with mathematical contents by 27 youths and adults from popular places. The subjects investigated are part of the project Basic Education and Literacy among Women for the reconciliation, the coexistence and the peace, impelled by the Educational Corporation CLEBA on Itagüí municipality, department of Antioquia in Colombia. To deepen in some theoretical aspects that we consider important for the present study, questions like the contribution of the mathematical contents were approached in the understanding of texts and some psychological capacities that should be developed from the teaching and learning of the mathematics. On this way, the investigation was based conceptually, on the conception of the mathematics as a language; about the understanding of texts and the mathematical understanding. We also kept in mind the socialinteraction theory like foundation of some psychological capacities characteristic of the mathematical activity. The data were collected through a grupal interview, the bibliographical review and four written instruments, three of those texts with mathematical contents. Starting from those texts we obtained some productions of the investigated that include the knowledge of mathematical contents and the following of instructions starting from the same ones, inferences starting from explicit and implicit data in the texts, to operate with and starting from mathematical contents and the work with different registrations of semeiotic representation, among others. As part of the results we could explain the presence of difficulties and strengths in the understanding of the texts with mathematical contents that are framed basically from the previous experiences and the subjectivity of the investigated, the school level, the specify from the mathematical knowledge and the inherent capacities to the understanding of texts


colombia currículo conteúdos matemáticos capacidades corporacion educativa cleba mathematical contents difficulties. curriculos texts curriculum colômbia educacao textos matematica -- estudo e ensino dificuldades capacities

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