Condições de efetividade de creches públicas e filantrópicas avaliação de um programa de educação e saúde para educadores. / Effectiveness conditions of public and philanthropic child day care centers - evaluation of a health and education program to educators.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Objective: To test the impact of training for educators on the health of children enrolled in public and philanthropic day-care nurseries. Methods: A randomised, institutional, non-blind clinical trial was conducted involving 252 children from eight day-care centres in a sub-district of the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. An educational intervention was performed in four day-care centres. Interviews with the mothers, collection of blood from the children by digital puncture and anthropometry were performed. The monitoring period was seven months. The chosen indicator for the improvement of health was anemia (haemoglobin less than 11g/dl). An unconditional logistic regression model was set for risk factors for anemia, considering associations with p ≤ 0.05 as statistically significant. The Epi InfoTM 2000 and Stata 10.0 software packages were utilised. Results: The children from the day-care centres that were not subject to intervention presented a risk 2.11 times greater (CI: 1.04 to 4.30; p=0.040) of having anemia at the end of the study independent of the control variables (sex, age, time in the day-care centre, anemia at the beginning of the study, maternal age, use of oral iron supplements, number of siblings, per capita family income, use of antibiotics and the necessity for avoidable hospitalisations) utilised in the construction of the final logistical model. Conclusions: The assessed educational intervention promoted significant changes in the health status of the children, reinforcing the importance of training for professionals who care for young children in day-care centres in developing countries in order to promote child health.


promoção da saúde educação em saúde efetividade creches anemia fatores de risco pediatria anemia children day-care risk factors health education health promotion caregivers program evaluation logistic regression

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