Condições de solubilidade p-ádica para formas aditivas de grau ímpar




This work is based on articles of Tietäväinen and Low, Pitman and Wolff, where both investigate conditions for p-ádic solubility from additive forms, in n variables, of odd degree k. It is checked for a form that, if n [(log 2)−1k log k], then this form has non-trivial p-ádics zeros, for any prime p. Subsequently, we studied systems of R forms with the same degree. An important feature of this work is the technique of matrices partition and a different definition of normalised system, different from that introduced by Davenport and Lewis. With this new approach, we have a significant improvement in the results obtained by Davenport and Lewis


formas aditivas algebra additive forms particionable matrices normalização odd degree matrizes particionáveis grau ímpar normalisation

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