Conservação de tomate (Lycopersicum esculentum), ?Debora?, submetido a diferentes condições de resfriamento e aquecimento intermitente




The objective of this essay was to contribute to studying alternatives that might enlarge the post-harvest life of tomatoes ?Débora?, using different cooling conditions. The essay was divided into two stages. In the first one, the tomatoes were stocked in freezing chambers programmed to keep the temperature at 12°C, with the objective to evaluate which cooling method would be the most efficient to enlarge the period of conservation of the fruits. In this case, part of the samples was submitted to rapid cooling with forced-air before stocking, while anot her part was only simply stocked at the same temperature; besides these cooling treatments, it was also observed the behavior of the fruits kept at natural conditions, being these considered as control group. The quality attributes of the fruits in these three treatments were evaluated through physical-chemical analysis at each two or three days long. The results showed that, according to the statistical analysis applied, the forced-air cooling was the most effective to the original purpose. Taking advantage of the best treatment obtained in the first stage of the experiment, the second stage had as objective to evaluate the intermittent warming in the control of the chilling injury and the maintenance of the quality during the cooling process of the tomato ?Débora?. Thus, the fruits were submitted to intermittent warming for 10 hours at 24°C, after each 6 days in stocking, and compared to the continuous stocking, at 12°C and at 7°C, for a period of 15 days. The evaluating of the parameters was made at the same way as described in the previous stage. The results showed a ripening cycle?s acceleration of the fruits in the intermittent warming treatment, when compared to the continuously cooling fruits, at both temperatures tested. It was also observed that at the temperature of 12°C there weren t chilling injury manifetation, while at the temperature of 7°C this damage manifested. In this case it was concluded that, although the intermittent warming has not avoided the chilling injury, this method allowed lowering its effects, when compared to the continuous stocking at the temperature of 7°C


tomate tomate temperatura refrigeração alimentos

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