Construção da imagem da normalista na revista Vida Capichaba, no Epirito Santo.




This study has as its research objet, the Normal School D. Pedro II and the Normalistas, the female students from this traditional teaching institution n the city of Vitória. These representations were built in Vida Capichaba magazine, from 1923 to 1929. For so, this research starts from a historical rescue of the press in Brazil and in the state of Espírito Santo and from an educational model based on Republican ideas, supported by the local elite. The course called Normal besides graduating the students Normalistas, for teaching, enabled them to go further from the traditional social spaces that they were allowed to. The Vida Capichaba magazine contributed to bring up and reaffirm values and conceptions of this kind of teaching, demanding analysis of codes images and the effects they produced. Besides a concrete research of the images and verbal texts to be discussed through the discourse analysis, it has been done a political and cultural contextualization from the social life of the Normalistas presented by the magazine. This analysis makes us comprehend the Normal School D. Pedro II and its teachers, graduated there in the 20s, representations. The magazine brings interest to the communication area, since it was the one that lasted the longest in the local market, went over a variety of themes and showed to the reader the elites, power kept in the social imaginary from the beginning of the 20th century. The Normal School performed its role as a Teacher Graduating School, contributing to fasten up the literary process in the local society, although this research results show the remains of the social inequality, without the public scholl democratization, and the learning opportunities that didnt reach the population as a whole.


comunicacao vida capichaba vida capichaba (revista) professores de ensino primário escola normal communication magazine written press mídia impressa normal school comunicação normalista ensino normal - vitória, es normalista

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