Construção de interfaces homem-computador : o uso de estadogramas na especificação e implementação de controle de interface
Fabio Nogueira Lucena
A variety of techniques exists for the specification and the implementation of human-computer interface control, i.e., techniques to describe and implement the sintax of user s actions, of the reactions of a computer and of how the dialogue between a user and a computer evolves along a period of time. These techniques, however, present some drawbacks. This work concentrates on representation and implementation of a dialogue sintax based on the statechart notation. A statechart seems suitable to describe this kind of behaviour. It extends state transition diagrams and overcomes some of the shortcomings of the later. The use of the statechart notation in the development of a realistic interface led to improvements wich have been made ill order to apply it specifically in this context. This use showed the need of some kind of supprted at the presentation level and some of changes of notation. The observation of the code generated by an already existing tool to implement statechart behaviour give us some insights as well about desired elements in relation to the structure of the generated code
interação homem-maquina interfaces (computador)
- Detecção e rastreamento de íris para implementação de uma interface homem-computador
- Uma abordagem reflexiva para a construção de Frameworks para interfaces homem-computador
- Um framework multi-agentes para o projeto de interfaces homem-computador
- Representação em projeto de interfaces homem-computador : estudo, aplicação e propostas de extensão do formalismo UAN
- Avaliação do uso de uma interface homem-computador baseada em eletromiografia em indivíduos com e sem alterações neuro-motoras de membros superiores