Construção de marcas pós-midiática: como a fragmentação dos meios e da atenção, a cultura da convergência e a narrativa transmidiática influenciam as relações dos indivíduos com as marcas




This piece is the result of a research which has been done to raise recent theories and experiences that points changes in marketing communication and, even more specifically, in the efforts of building a companys brand which has happened as a consequence of the appereance of new information and communication technologies (TICs) and new practices of consumption behaviour. In the first part the SEARCH FOR ATTENTION a wide view of recent evolutions of the TICs is shown. As a result of that evolution (1) the changes on information and entertainment consumption habits of each person and (2) the appearance of new business and market practices are outstanding. Then, THE BRANDS OF A SUPERFLAT AGE show the practices which have been adopted by the communication and advertisement industry to build brands and successive adaptation that affected those practices due to the appearance of the TICs and the growing difficulty to attract and capture ones attention. I CONSUME, THEREFORE I EXISTE is the third part of this research focus on the production of subjectivity and the person itself once they assume a new role action on the consumption process and intersections with the brands and the messages advertised


consumption atenção mídia brand publicidade attention consumo advertising subjetivação media subjectification comunicacao marca

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