Construção de uma armadilha magneto-ótica para aplicações em informação quântica e física atômica / Construction of a Magnet-Optical Trap for Aplications at Quantum Information and Atomic Physics




We built a magneto-optical trap (MOT) for rubidium as a first step for the trapping of a cloud of cold atoms in a periodic potential formed by light beams. This system will be used for experiments in atom physics, with possible applications in quantum information. A MOT is necessary to avoid the problems imposed by the thermal agitation of the atoms to the measurement of their properties. In this configuration, we combine the radiative pressure of laser beam with the effect of a magnetic field to cool and trap neutral atoms. During the execution of this project, we built the lasers and the electronic system for their control of frequency, intensity and temperature. We also built the system for vacuum pumping and the vacuum chamber for the trapping, as well as the setup for the MOT characterization, with computer programs for capture and analyze the measurements. We characterize the cold atoms cloud, measuring the number of trapped atoms, their loading time in the MOT and their temperature.


experimental physics quantum optics física atômica física experimental atomic physics Ótica quântica

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