Construction of a Range of Derivatives of the Biological Control Strain Agrobacterium rhizogenes K84: a Study of Factors Involved in Biological Control of Crown Gall Disease


American Society for Microbiology


The biological control strain Agrobacterium rhizogenes K84 is an effective agent in the control of Agrobacterium pathogens, the causative agents of crown gall disease. A number of factors are thought to play a role in the control process, including production of the specific agrocins 84 and 434, which differ in the spectra of pathogenic strains that they inhibit in vitro. A range of derivatives of strain K84 has been developed with every combination of the three resident plasmids, pAgK84, pAgK434, and pAtK84b, including a plasmid-free strain. These derivatives produced either both, one, or neither of the characterized agrocins 84 and 434 and were isolated by plasmid curing, conjugation, and Tn5 transposon mutagenesis. The ability of the derivative strains to inhibit gall formation on almond roots was compared to that of the wild-type K84 parent. Treatment with the plasmid-free derivative did not result in a significant level of control of an A. rhizogenes pathogen based on numbers or dry weight of galls formed on injured almond roots. The presence of plasmid pAgK84, pAgK434, or pAtK84b significantly enhanced the biological control efficacy of K84 derivatives, and the highest level of control was observed with strains harboring two or more plasmids. The results observed with strains deficient in agrocin 434 production suggest that this product may play an important role in the biological control of A. rhizogenes pathogens. The involvement of plasmid pAgK84b in biological control has not previously been reported. This study supports the conclusion that multiple factors are involved in the success of strain K84 as a biological control agent.

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