Consumo alimentar de lactentes no primeiro ano de vida na Zona da Mata Meridional de Pernambuco: um estudo de coorte




This thesis, comprised of two papers, aims to investigate the impact of food consumption in cohort of infants born between September of 1997 and August of 1998, in urban areas of four towns in âZona da Mata Meridional de Pernambucoâ, using the median of nutrients intake. The first paper analyses food consumption according to Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI), take into consideration the presence of maternal milk and its association with linear growth in the first semester of life, using new WHO child Growth Standards. Infants in exclusive or predominant breastfeeding show better linear growth and median energy consumption and those in complemented breastfeeding or no breastfeeding were above of dietary recommendations. The second paper analyzes infants in the first year of life comparing nutritional state and nutrients intake with breastfeeding patterns at four months of age (exclusive or predominant breastfeeding versus no breastfeeding). Nutrients intake was compared with Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) and nutritional state according to length and weight for age and weight for length, and body mass index. The results show high frequency of early introduction of other foods, especially water, tea and cow milk and the reduce variety of foods in the complementary feeding from six months of life. Infants with no breastfeeding showed higher intake of most of nutrients when compared those with exclusive or predominant breastfeeding, with DRI values above the recommendations. All breastfeeding infants, for all studied indicators, presented better nutritional state in the first semester of life. The results strengthen the benefits of breastfeeding for infants in first months of life, and address the need to intensify actions to stimulate exclusive breastfeeding up to the sixth month and introduction of complementary feeding in an appropriate time toward to adequate infant growth and development


amamentaÃÃo exclusiva consumo de alimentos complementary feeding exclusive breastfeeding alimentaÃÃo complementar adequada e oportuna food intake infants lactente nutritional status nutricao estado nutricional

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