Contornos do ensino superior no Triângulo Mineiro- MG nos anos de 1990: análise do convênio entra a Universidade Federal de Uberlândia e a Prefeitura Municipal de Uberaba




The present work if points out in the Line of Research: Politics and Management in Education of the Program of Pós-Graduação in Education of the Federal University of Uberlândia and if consider to investigate, from the analysis of the educational politics of the years of 1990, the implantation of the established accord enters the Federal University of Uberlândia - UFU and the Municipal City hall of Uberaba - PMU through the Municipal Foundation of Superior Education of Uberaba - FUMESU. Our trajectory was constructed from the analysis of the changes in the world of the work, the paper of the State in the context of the neoliberal politics and the lapsings of the multilateral organisms as Deep Monetary Internacional-FMI and the Mundial-BM Bank for the developing countries as also the interferences of this context in the educational politics for superior education. The two last decades of century XX had been marked by deep changes in the world of the work with the introduction of the new technologies, with the implantation of neoliberal politics e, consequently, a new reorganization of the capitalist society. In this picture unfoldings in the performance and paper of the State, also in the education had been verified also, by means of the implemented educational politics, in different fields. As for superior education, object of study of this work, can be verified that these changes have implied in new forms of organization, as well as a expressiva expansion of this level of education in the private sector and a new configuration of the public sector. Supported for the qualitative methodology we work with the documentary analysis considering some aspects of the content analysis as the absence, the presence and the frequency with that the elect categories in the theoretical referencial and constructed others from the analyzed documents had appeared, has seen that the content analysis searchs to evidence what it is underlying to that pparently is seen, as well as search to understand the subjectivity of the analyzed content face to the context where the object is inserted. The analyzed experience suggests a change in the character of the FEU/FUMESU with dimensions and characteristics that the diversification and institucional differentiation can assume from the creation of other institucional models that can appear, marked for a deep hibridismo of the models foreseen in the current legislation. Also it evidences the ways covered for the process of magnifying of the privatization of the superior education, also with the support of the state public power.


política educacional ensino superior - minas gerais educação e estado state estado universidades e faculdades educational politics ensino superior educacao superior education

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