Contrato com pessoa a declarar




This dissertation aims to talk about the contract for person to declare, instituted in the Civil Code of 2002. As this contract is a type that involves a third person in the relation, it became useful a brief revision about the position of this third person in the contractual relations. Therefore it was good to establish the probity and good faith values, guiders of the contractual relations. From this premiss, this study went through the image of the third person in the contract for person to declare, considering that this third person, even not making part of contracts elaboration is invited to assume duties and obligation of it. Having the constitutional principals valued and established in our legislation, the main argument for this dissertation is base on the fact that the third person, when defaulting the contract, could even accept it, expressing desire in making it, as long as it was revised any section in which the person would feel injuried


direito civil contractual relation contratos -- brasil contract for person to declare contrato com pessoa a declarar relação contratual terceiros (direito) -- brasil

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