Contribuições para gestão urbana :corredores de vegetação para avifauna em Porto Alegre, RS




Abstract: The green tunnel is a landscape structure specific to urban arborization, formed by the joining of the canopies of trees along the roads. This dense arborization of the roads visually forms a suspended linear mass over the streets, qualifying the environment constructed by the different contributions generated by the presence of vegetation. Based upon an ecological look on the city, the present study discusses a few issues related to the importance of green areas in the urban environment, and investigates the possible role of green tunnels as biodiversity corridors, formulating the hypothesis that the green tunnels can constitute urban plant corridors for birds species. The general objective of the study consists of evaluating the capacity of the green tunnels to form urban plant corridors for birds species. In order to meet this objective, descriptive, exploratory and analytic methods are applied to the reality of Porto Alegre, the capital of Rio Grande do Sul State, the city selected as a case study. In the field research surveys are performed for the taxonomic identification, quantification and characterization of the plant species that compose the green tunnels and control routes, and also to identify the bird species found along these routes. The possible existence of a physical connection between the green tunnels and the environmentally valuable spaces in the city is looked at, seeking to estimate their contribution to the stay of birds in a densely urbanized environment. The results found showed significant differences between green tunnels and control routes (contacts with the bird species and number of individuals), proving the hypothesis formulated. However, the low diversity of plant and bird species observed on the routes calls attention to the need to implement more heterogeneous planting on the streets and roads, preferably consisting of native plants, contributing to increase the complexity of the vegetation, an especially important factor to create new habitats for the birds. It is concluded that the tree-planting projects for the roads should include large plants which will form green tunnels and that the insertion of urban plant corridors in the urban tissue may occur in areas that are still expanding or regions which have already been consolidated in the cities, and the stepping stones typology may be considered as an alternative project. The quantitative and qualitative analyses of vegetation, as well as the use of the bird element in research, are useful to study urban reality, and the methodological procedures employed in this study can be repeated in other cities, without compromising the results in any way. The confirmation of the hypothesis formulated is a further element to be considered in actions to manage the urban green areas and consists in an example of how interdisciplinarity, its different logics and methodological procedures add relevant contributions to urban management, academic training and fostering discussions in the social sphere, seeking to build more ethical and balanced societies.


planejamento urbano - dissertações city planning Árvores ecologia urbana - porto alegre (rs) trees urban ecology arborização das cidades planejamento urbano e regional trees in cities landscape architecture arquitetura paisagística meio ambiente

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